Do something that will last more than your lifetime

Today we planted a baby London Plane tree to replace the fallen willow that has given us abundant shade for nearly thirty years.
London Plane trees take about 20 years to grow to their full height of 35 metres and can live for several hundred years. We’re in our seventies, so we may not see this one at its full height, and if the Premium Potting Mix we planted it in does its job, it will certainly outlive us.
As I look at the young tree in its new position, I’m reminded that our lives are a mixture of doing things that will last a lifetime or more (like planting a tree) and things that don’t last more than a few hours (like chopping veggies for a stir-fry).
This is not to belittle the importance of everyday activities. We all must eat, and preparing food for family and friends is one of life’s pleasures.
But it’s good to occasionally do something that will possibly outlive us.
Before you rush off to buy a young tree to plant from your local nursery or Bunnings store, I have a couple of simple suggestions that won’t cost you any money.
In his book, Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death, the existential psychiatrist Irvin Yalom wrote about the rippling effect that we can have:
Rippling refers to the fact that each of us creates – often without our conscious intent or knowledge – concentric circles of influence that may affect others for years, even for generations . . . much as ripples in a pond go on and on until they’re no longer visible but continuing at a nano level.
Your Words Have a Ripple Effect
Books and the internet are full of famous quotes by wise ones who are dead: Buddha; Gandhi; Jesus; Shakespeare; Lincoln; Nietzsche; Winnie-the-Pooh. Although they’re dead (except Winnie-the-Pooh!), their effect is still felt, years after their words were spoken. What they said still changes the choices people make, which changes what is happening in the world today and in the future.
Few of us will come up with a Quotable Quote that will outlast us, but we can say something kind or encouraging to someone, whether they are a stranger or a person we love. Our words may change how they see themselves, their predicament, or their perception of how the world works. These words will form ripples of influence we won’t even be aware of, but they will nonetheless be real.
Your Smile Has a Ripple Effect
Another free and simple way to start a long-lasting ripple effect is a sincere smile. That can change a person’s day, or the outcome of a meeting, a conversation, or dispute. Smiles are contagious and their influence spreads quicker and further than a disease.
Your Actions Have a Ripple Effect
Do you remember something important or encouraging that your parents or grandparents said to you, or an example they set that you’ve chosen to follow?
My father once said to me, 'Never despise anyone.' I've recalled that many times and try to live by it.
It’s been proven scientifically that what we say and do can affect the next generation, and the generation after that, and the generation after that. It’s called epigenetics and is worth reading about so we choose wise words and positive actions while we’re still above ground. Wars, hatred and misery don’t have to rage generation after generation.
I go outside and stand by the tree we planted that will slowly flourish to fill the space. It will offer shade to those standing under its far-reaching branches and offer safety to many thousands of birds and insects that will visit it over its lifetime.
And years hence, others will also benefit by what we say or do today, and by the sincere smiles we throw into the space between us all, to be caught and treasured by those who need them the most.
With love, Marlane